Paul Anderson Demos

Has Home Studio ✅

Tones: Warm, Experienced, Professional, Versatile

  • Gender - Male
  • Vocal Age - Adult (35 - 54)
  • Language - English
  • Category - Commercial, Corporate, Animation, Promo
  • Accents - Neutral American
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Paul Anderson - Voice Actor 🎙

Paul Anderson is a seasoned professional actor with over 30 years of experience, consistently recording voiceovers throughout his career.
During the pandemic, Paul gained significant momentum in his voiceover work, finding great satisfaction in being self-contained and working from his home studio.
His extensive experience and adaptability have made him a reliable and skilled voice actor, capable of delivering high-quality performances for various projects.
What you can expect from Academy Voices:
  • Pristine audio from my professional home studios
  • Multiple takes on qualifying orders
  • Quality analysis of your script to bring the best voice style possible
  • Fast service and extremely communicative

Get Your Free Quote Here For Paul

Submit this form to contact us and get your free quote on your project. We respond usually in 2 hours or less. 

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