Rob Sogomonian Demos

Has Home Studio ✅

Tones: Dynamic, Expressive, Warm, Engaging

  • Gender - Male
  • Vocal Age - Young Adult (18 - 35), Adult (35 - 54)
  • Language - English
  • Category - Commercial, Explainer, Audiobook
  • Accents - English (Neutral)
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Rob Sogomonian - Voice Actor 🎙 

Rob Sogomonian, originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, has been passionate about performing since childhood, singing along to movie soundtracks and participating in every school play possible.

He pursued drama throughout high school as an elective. When not using his dynamic voice to bring characters and scripts to life, Rob enjoys spending time with his dog or cat, either watching movies or immersed in a good book.

His love for storytelling is evident both in his voiceover work and his personal life.

What you can expect from Academy Voices:

  • Fantastic customer service from start to finish and even beyond.
  • Professionally trained to give the best performance no matter how big or small the job.
  • Sound treated and sound proofed Professional Personal Studio with fast turnaround and professional quality sound.

Get Your Free Quote Here For Rob

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